Branding Tips

We recommend, hanging your brand in an EMPTY 55 Gallon Barrel (anything smaller than 55 gallon may cause your brand to overheat, do not use a bucket) to keep from bumping into it and to keep it out of the wind, because you never want to set your brand on any kind of surface while it’s hot.

When applying electric brands, place the brand straight and flat on the animal. Wait until the black smoke turns white. (when smoke is black, it is burning off hair and dirt) When the smoke starts to turn white or a grayish color, it is burning the hide.

Count 1-one thousand; 2-one thousand; 3-one thousand, Lift the brand, the hide should be a light tan color.

Hang your brand away from you. (preferably in a barrel) Thhen we recommend you spray the animal with #1 Kerosene to help draw out the sizzle and it helps in keeping the branded area looking good and clean. After you spray the animal, this should be exactly the way your brand will look when it is healed. The kerosene will help in it healing faster as well and let you see what your brand will look like when it is healed.


Branding Iron Tips

One Branding Iron at a time hanging inside
the barrel, others may hang outside when hot.
DO NOT strike against any hard surface
or put in dirt or ashes.